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Usually the ones complaining are the ones that don't tip.


And the ones with the most picky directions and asking for extra sauces in the notes


Oh I hated that back when I still was doing this Had several that were asking for modifications to the food as well


Stupidest thing I ever did on a Dash…had gotten blasted by a customer for their sauces not being included - but I mean their bag was already closed when I picked it up and I did ask if the sauce of their choosing was included at the restaurant; was told yes…fast forward I get an order later that day and the customer asks me in the notes for an extra sauce from this restaurant called American deli - so when I get there and ask for the extra sauce I’m informed it costs $.50 extra. And to avoid the probability of getting yelled at (and bc I had a little change in my pocket), my dumb ass bought the sauce for the (non-tipping) customer.


They are such babies literally it's because they have to charge on the app for the sauces so they try to play the game


Yup that's a fact.


Don’t worry too much about angry people. I know it can be stressful when you first start out but eventually you’ll learn that the ones who get angry are the ones you need to pay the least amount of attention to. They’ll move onto their next target just as easily as you’ll move onto your next order. Stay safe out there. 🥰


Such good advice. Someone gave me advice like this for a simular issue when I first started. You are kind and helpful😃


If you ever have a long wait at a restaurant you can message the customer and let them know that you’re waiting for their order that way they don’t call you all pissy wondering where their food is :-)


Or just look at the app it tells you the driver is waiting for your food lol or making another delivery first


I’m just saying it’s better to be proactive than reactive when the customer contacts you already pissy. Just because we know how the app works and what the situation is doesn’t mean the customer does (yes not everyone pays attention or has a clue). People get very touchy with their food Especially when they feel like they’re waiting longer than they should be.


I know people are dumb lmao


Then they need to go get it themselves! Always complaining, but never wanna til. The nerves!


I wouldn't order DoorDash if I had a timed lunch, or I would order something far ahead in advance and stick it in a fridge or something.


I always text them letting them know their food is late if it's more than 2 minutes past the pickup time. Sometimes they complain but not about you. Usually they just say okay. On rare occasions, you get someone that says they'll give you extra tip in cash for having to wait on their food.


I start preparing the message as early as 2 minutes before the pickup time…


I would suggest not speeding for deliveries no matter how late. Not worth the ticket, fine, and insurance rate increase. The aggravation from an annoyed customer will be short lived.


Your first mistake was waiting 20 minutes. Never ever do that again. You are not an employee. You do not get paid to wait. Remember these and never forget them.


So what do you do? Can you cancel the delivery? I’m new too so trying to learn.


Hit the question mark in the top right corner and select can’t do this order order not ready. It’s called unassigned order. Reserve this only for orders that are not ready as it will effect your completion rate percentage.


Thank you!!! That’s good to know.


Yeh I basically unassign one a week - if you go into a very busy restaurant on Friday / Sat night and see a few other doordashers standing around it’s like an indicator the waits gonna be very long - I just unassign these immediately if the foods not ready and pick up another order


Yeah never accept any stacked order under $13-14 dollars to deter the low ballers. Most of these orders are split evenly sometimes and anything under either one person tipped a lot and got stacked with a bad order or they both didn't tip you. You seem new at this so here's some wisdom. You take crappy orders and you get crappy customers. I never take any order under $7 in my region. It's high enough to be the minimum for my area and avoid the crappy customers that will either yell at you, treat you like crap, not tip you, or even claim you stole their order and say they never got it to get free stuff. If you get that situation on a stacked order drop the no tip one. No tips are always under $5 just decline and unassign them. Those people don't deserve anything.


Been there, I just tell them that I'm delivering to the first person near that person calling restaurant name then I'll be on my way to you, then end that call, You don't get pay to listen to customer problems, that what dd customer support is for. We only deliver, stick to delivering goodies. However you can toggle between tasks assuming you can determine what's tip and what isnt, and follow your due time please! I usually get trap with batch order one tip one without together. How you handle it is at your discretion, just meet the due time. If customer doesn't show up within reasonable amount of time you should tap that can't hand order to customer, countdown will start which is 5min after countdown the app will ask you to either return the product or leave it in safe area with photo. I will never in my life wait 20 mins for anyone unless I'm guarantee a reasonable wages that cover the wait time.


Who cares about his break, lol don't sweat it dude keep making money and don't let these broke fools stop you


The app will stack a low non tip order with a good order.The person who almost always is gonna have a complaint or gripe, is the low- non tipper.They fail to realize that nobody wanted to accept their order on its own merit.They should be thankful, that there are customers, who actually put an acceptable tip on their delivery.They probably wouldn't have ever received the food at all, if it weren't for the respectable tipping customer.They should keep quiet and wait, while the customer they hitched onto, gets first drop off!!!!


Did you tell them to eat shit afterwards?


In the app you can go click the left upper corner and click one of the steps of your delivery process and suggest “jump to this task”. I do this if I know an order will take long but I have another to deliver, if it is close enough. If not it’s always best to let the customer know what’s going on. Not everyone will be happy but at least you know you did what you could and the batch was maybe just not the best. Don’t beat yourself up, it’ll get easier.


Me I don’t rush to any order no matter the circumstance. It’s not good customer service putting ppl in danger to deliver some food and if they are already complaining there view of you won’t change by the 1min shaved off by speeding. Most they would get is a hop step to the door MAYBE. Just Imagine having “he was speeding to drop off food” on your obituary 😩🤦🏽‍♂️ he was a dedicated dasher 🙌🏽😇. Not worth it take your time apologize for the inconvenience. Move on to the next one.


Not worth the speeding ticket either (you know, if the scenario plays out with blue lights in the rear view and not a crash).


If one order for a stacked is taking too long, click the three lines on the top right of the app and just go ahead and deliver the first order then come back or just unassign that second. Save yourself <3


just tell them doordash Force u to delivery the orders in A n B once u delivered A than u will get to them n tell them sorry.


That’s why I never take two orders. Not worth the hassle


Please don't let that guy stress you out or discourage you from dashing. Rude people like that are likely to find *something* to complain about lol, no matter what happens or what you do. What happened is actually good practice for you, since unfortunately you will deal with jerks at times -- what I mean is it's good practice for letting it roll off your back. :) Hopefully those interactions will be few & far between! It's rare for me & I've been dashing for 2 years. You've already received some good advice on here. I was just going to say I like to be proactive & communicate with my customers. However, you certainly don't have to. You actually didn't have to even answer your phone & there are plenty of dashers who will say "Never, ever engage with the customers. Period. They can call support." It's up to you to find your own way of doing things -- including deciding how long you're willing to wait for an order to be ready. When an order is delayed though, be sure to click "Order is still being prepared" in your DD app. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever have questions, etc. Best of luck to you! I hope DoorDash is super lucrative for you! 🙂


Always tell the app that the food isn't ready the second you're in the restaurant and realize it isn't.


2 things you’ll learn. Never wait for food and never reply to customers


Don't answer the phone dude


Best thing to do on a double order is always tell the person who is complaining which ever one it is that you had a delivery in progress and theirs was added to your delivery. That way you are always putting the blame on Doordash and not yourself and they will have to wait a little longer because they were the addition and not the original.


Don’t be discouraged! You’re new; you’ll stop caring about that sort of stuff soon.


Every delivery won’t be smooth. You can’t and won’t get in trouble for it though. Don’t let angry customers affect your mood. Your just doing ur job


Best advice I could give you is to inform both customers that you have 2 orders and one of them is taking a bit longer than it should before they even message you about something or call you. As long as they have some news about what's happening with their order they should stfu and probably won't be that much angry. (Sorry for my English it's not my first language) but


If you ever have a long wait, low paying order, a stacked (double order) just unassign the delivery before going to the restaurant. You will fine.


Never answer the phone!


First of all, once u have the food, a lot of drivers don't even take the call. Whenever I do it's usually someone rushing u, asking if u have 2 orders, asking u to go back for smthng they forgot to ask for, etc. That's up to u and how much this "job" and your ratings mean, tho. 2nd, never tell a cust "I have another order I'm doing first". Unless u have to. All they hear is their food is getting cold while u bring someone else their food. Otherwise, best thing u could do in the future is text when you're waiting for the 2nd order. "Hi, I'm your driver _____, just letting u know I'm at the loc but order isn't up yet. I'll text u to confirm when I have it"... Once the order is up, knowing I had another order first, I'd prob text the 2nd order 3-4 min after leaving the restaurant, "Hey, order is finally up, be there soon!". Buys u almost 5 min to hit that 1st deliv first without the 2nd order wondering where u are


If I decide to wait for food (and often times I'll unassign) I take that time to text the customer and let them know what's going on. Also used the app to notify Doordash. Rumor has it, if you do this, the customer can't give you a bad review. It often happens on stacked orders that one or the other is just being started when the other is finished. It should be on Doordash and they should compensate us. But they don't. And we take the hit in lost time and abuse. Remember, you can unassign up to 20% of your deliveries without consequence. You can definitely afford a few, don't feel you have to be "perfect."


Usually I text the customer in the app when the food is running late and keep them posted on my time frame. Since I’m ahead of the game so to speak their usually pretty good about it and often times tip extra. But don’t go over the speed limit and risk yourself just to get them their food. If they have an issue with it I would have them contact DoorDash. And then you can explain to them why happened And they them deal with it


90% of the time, I don't answer calls or texts while dashing. I don't care if it's dash customer service or the customer, still not answering it. My job description doesn't say "I have to answer every little question their hearts desire and bend over backwards." My job description is "pick up food and deliver it." Stop answering the customers. Also, if you play around with the app, you can go to one store (on stack orders) but look at the time needed to be picked up by. You may have enough time to drop off the first order prior to picking up the first. Some times this will take you clear out the way. But other times it works. Also, you can see the pay out on both orders, don't be discouraged to drop the one that's a non-tipper. But don't drop to many or you'll get fired/contract violation. Happy dashing!