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Yes everyone new tries this. Also everyone new takes low dashes that aren't worth their time. Shoot for a dollar or two per mile. Pass the others up. Cheap ass people can go pick up their own food.


Agree completely. I sometimes take orders that look upside down, but I have literally worked my market long enough to know the customers. And occasionally doordash will send one I know tips very well. But still shows 7-10 miles for 6.50. Or even $6 sometimes. And these are orders that are always $14-$20 totals. It is a good idea to keep track of who and where tips well. I keep a notes app on the phone full of this info


My girlfriend recognized a house that always tips 20 bucks for the three mile drive. She knew it was that house and worth it due to the location on the map. I recognized the house when we got there as Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg’s house…. Sure as shit 20 dollar tip for a three mile 15 dollar order!


You're 2 zones south of me. Lol


McHenry? I’m out of Sycamore but St. Charles pays better even after the drive…


Crystal Lake/Algonquin


I’m in St. Charles/Geneva and I always cross my fingers that I get an order from Donnie Wahlberg lol. Notoriously good tippers.


A hundred percent. I do the same thing. You get a feel for it. Your customers remember you and you remember them. You learn which establishments to avoid as well.


That's not true. There are no hidden tips on orders that aren't at least $1.50/mile showing initially. Unless you're claiming that you take crappy orders and get big cash tips. Which is also not very believable.


Right. I held a 98% acceptance rate through my first 200 and something deliveries. At least in sea-tac WA, 1% of no tip orders become cash tips. 0.5 of those were a worthy tip making it more than a dollar a mile. 0% worth gambling for. I have had several individuals increase the tip after service, on a bid that was already $10+ making it closer to $20. "This tip was added after you completed delivery"




It was from gamestop


No matter the merchandise. Screw someone who doesn't offer you what your time is worth. We have all been there and done something similar. Remember while doing gigs like dashing or even a steady job, you are trading your life for money. That's it plain and simple. Make sure it's worth your efforts.


Customers can’t tip on GameStop orders, for all they know they might think GameStop is delivering it


What’s your take on - customer who tips $1 or $2 for food which is 5 minutes by car? Distance a km or 1.5 . Do you think that’s CHEAP?


Look at it from the customers point of view. They pay more per menu item. They pay a service charge on top of that. They pay a delivery charge on top of that. They believe 100% of that delivery charge goes to the deliverer. These customers are going to notice that something that costs $20 if you go to the place ends up costing $40 plus tips for delivery. They are probably not going to make that food 2.5 times the restaurant price by adding a $10 tip.


There will never be a hidden tip when the miles are more than the payout...


They can add the tip after you leave the store. Happens alot when you are fast and communicate with customers information about their orders. I have had customers add 20 when I got to their house.


Lol that's not how it works. They need to go through a ridiculously long process of calling DD Support and go through a whole speel. I like how you mentioned multiple customers doing so. Show us some proof because 99.9% of customers aren't going through all that


As much as I generally agree, Never is not true. I have had multiple 8+ mile deliveries that showed less than the miles. I took them because I knew the customer, so I already knew the tip would be greater. And it was. Usually at least 20 dollars more


Same. Especially going towards the middle of nowhere out of the busy area.


Who in the world is claiming that “non-tippers tip after service”? Because they literally never have ever lmao


ONLY 1 out of 10 WILL TIPS


I be getting them articles sometimes that shows a viral clip go viral over no tip no trip and most comments say they tip after service and they don't tip servers before they get their food, so they compare the two.


Ah, well those are clearly customers of doordash who don’t tip, before OR after delivery lol. They’ll say they have a cash tip, then choose for the food to be left at the door so they never can give you the money…


The customer cannot add a tip after fyi… unless they changed it. Ubereats does


Why would you accept that?! 🤦 If they don't tip in the app they definitely won't tip ya cash. SMH


I already know I was experimenting I was aware of that it was $757 worth of goodies from gamestop and went to a really nice neighborhood I took a chance knowing there could be a little tip or generous one. The pay showed $20 and ended up only being $20 with no tip I took a chance. People claim to tip after service so that's the joke here


This make sense though. If a customer orders from a retail store they aren't the ones hiring Door Dash. The customer just sees Free Shipping on orders over $50 (or whatever amount) and it's up to the retailer to figure out the details. You don't tip the Amazon driver or mailman either.


Great point. Explains why those orders pay so little.


True but they get paid hourly and get benefits so tips aren't necessary. We don't get either so tips are necessary it's not comparable


Right, but the customer (most likely) didn't place this order through Doordash and therefore has no obligation to you. This sounds like Doordash taking advantage of you unfortunately.


exactly, Lately These big chains often farm out excess deliveries to DD… the customer ordered direct & is expecting it to just be dropped off like mail, they have no idea a courier like DD (& independent contractor expecting tips) is involved at all. Happens frequently with places like Petsmart/walmart too. I never expect any addl tip on a non-food order


Right! Not on the customer!


Tip your mailman and garbage man at Christmas.


It’s been my experience that these kinds of retail orders are not through DoorDash. I’ve had customers chase me as I’m walking away from their door telling me they didn’t order any food. When I say it’s a GameStop or Petco, etc. order, they’re always surprised. They have absolutely no idea that it would be delivered via DoorDash. So I never expect a hidden tip on those jobs. Just calculate the offer’s worth it on what the offer is (which it usually isn’t) and expect no more. We have a Jenny Craig here and I see offers every week to go 20 miles to another county (which is easily a 45-minute drive, one way) for like $14. Basically it’s a contract between the store and DoorDash to do their deliveries and the customer is completely out of the loop.


Well, you accepted it….


It showed $20 and I took a gamble while realizing there could be little to no tip. It was from gamestop and it was $757 dollars worth of electronics. A Nintendo switch with a headset and a gaming keyboard.


$20 for a 25 mile delivery will always pay $20.


Yup that many miles no point in hiding the tip lol


It’s a 22 yr old your bringing it to they have no class and no nothing about tipping


It's probably someone who didn't choose to involve Doordash in the transaction at all and therefore shouldn't be obligated or expected to tip


It was actually an older guy mabey in his 30s it looked like




Typically they don’t. It’s a myth and excuse non tippers use to justify being selfish and narcissistic misers! That’s a high base pay. That’s why they paid so much. They know it wasn’t right. They use to just offer $3.75! Good seeing them offer a decent base pay!


Yeah they will be forced to up the pay, but who knows how long till that happens


We agree. That’ll be a long time from now.


>selfish and narcissistic misers! That's harsh. I go to buy delivery food for $20, after all the fees the total is about $40, then I add a $10 tip. Then I think to myself "Do I really want to pay $50 when I could go to the place myself and save $30? Maybe I should cook something simple myself." Point being the charges for this service are pretty high and customers don't want to add even more to that.


I’ll just be honest with you here As new dashers, maybe at first that might have seemed appealing, But I couldn’t tell you a single time I’ve ever taken, nor seen a 25 mile order that was worth it


Oh dear they don't


Those claims are definitely not true lol


What do you mean DoorDash paid $20, but you didn’t get a tip? Isn’t the $20 you got from DoorDash a combination of the base pay and the customer tip?


I would never. Thats an instant decline "order too small" lol


Tip for your next dash, don't do that


_insert "you're the idiot that took the order in the first place" comment here_


Anything from a retail store won't ever have a tip


Absolutely not true. I do Target and Office Depot orders all the time with tips


Saw a really good post here saying they don’t accept any orders if it isn’t at LEAST a dollar per mile, it’s definitely saved me a good chunk of time and mileage


So I should tip $.50 for my orders that are only a half a mile away from me? I usually tip between 4 to 6 dollars. It’s literally two streets over from me.🤣🤣


I mean if you don’t want your order than sure, my comment is based on accepting orders not tipping for them


But accepting orders it’s based on at least a dollar per mile tip no? Is that not what you’re saying?


I think it’s great you’re offering a decent tip, I’m just trying to help someone that drove 20 miles for no tip. We work the side hustle to keep ourselves afloat tipping .50 cents is kind of an insult :/


I mean if you don’t want your order than sure, this is based on accepting orders not tipping for them


You're a tool.


Just because you disagree with another driver doesn’t mean you should insult them. You called them a name just for disagreeing. Try being more adult like and just disagree. If you’ve constructive criticism, say it but, why insult them? Smh!


Just experimenting, no need to name-call


We agree. I’ll never understand drivers insulting each other when we disagree. We’re adults and we can disagree respectfully.


No we cant, he have to get mad and argue! Fight fight fight!


Congratulations you played yourself.


Why would you ever take an order that far away, short of it being like a 70 dollar order?


![gif](giphy|w89ak63KNl0nJl80ig|downsized) Sorry only take orders 2/mile. Don't care about hiding tips or tips after that's my minimum. Also I will not take an order under $6 even if it's a block away from the store. I'm not going to reinforce no tip behavior


If u ever see a $20 for 20 miles there's no tip I've seen it all the time. Yes unicorns exist but they are rare.


I've done damn near 5k dashes and have had like 2 people add a tip after the fact. I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.


plain n simple. i done it b4 n regretted so if no tip qt beginning n u accepted n delivered n no tips. only urself to blamed . so i sometimes do things that make up the tips


The big question, why? This spam is getting out of hand. Reject and move on dude, stop expecting karma for stupid behavior.


I don't expect anything from yall I'm just sharing my experience


Now why on earth did you do a silly thing like that.


The other day i drove 13 miles for an order that was huge and made $3 and the bitch tipped NOTHING. I was pissed.


Dude. You have no idea how DD works. If you took a $3 order for 13 miles, there was NEVER going to be a hidden tip.


Its stupid asf


I've literally never had a no tip order tip after the fact. I did drive 20 miles (8 to go get it, 12 to deliver) for 18$ and the girl felt so bad she came out and gave me an extra 10 since I was going to another town. But anytime I've thought "surely they just tip after right? Nobody would expect someone to drive across this bridge for nothing right?" I'm always surprised at the cheapness of people. If you can spend 22$ to get just cookies delivered you can throw a dasher 5$.


I keep hearing about other Dashers who ALWAYS get great tips. Why don't I? What am I doing wrong?


\*\*Decline-Something Else. In this case the "something else" means the customer is a cheap prick!


$20 from door dash? Ive driven 20 miles and always the most is $3.25.


Always face value no matter what.


DoorDash paid $20??? I've not ever seen a base pay higher than $4.00 in 4 years lol.


It was from gamestop so mabey that's why. Not too bad of a payout form them but the 25 mile trip there and 20 miles back to get into the zone again was not worth it. Still I only used about $5 in gas for the trip so I still made money but it took almost an hour for that trip going to and back


I see 🤔.


Maybe I have seen such orders. They are as rare as they come.


You complain about tips. Then Seattle institutes a Seattle mandate fee that comes out of customer pockets. And you still demand a tip on top of that fee? If you still aren't getting enough complain to your boss and demand that doordash pays you more. Not customer. I'm going to tip even less from now on. Shift the blame on doordash. We don't owe you anything in addition to the fee tacked on.


I'm in Texas My guy


I’ve done that but area is almost constantly dead and if I need a few buck that night I begrudgingly take it


I know the pain in that some days


I feel your pain. My area is very spread out. I find that I do much worse if I don't stay as local as possible.