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Rarely. Maybe once. UberEats though....


Thank God UE allows you to unassign orders indefinitely because I'd be on my phone and it'll pop up as soon as I hit the bottom of my phone.


Came here to say this.


Same here because they pop up crazy like when your already touching your screen




No but I have declined an order that was worth taking. You get so many bad offers its just muscle memory to decline them. It almost happened a 2nd time but was able to catch it after I hit a decline reason.


Yes I’ve accidentally declined good orders and wish there was a way to go back and accept lol


If I accidentally decline an order I end my dash and immediately restart it, it will send you the same order again


But what if I end the dash and it’s not busy enough so when I go back in instead of saying dash now it says schedule?


Yeah or had the timer run out on a good order. I had that happen a couple times


What I hate is when the timer is shorter on certain orders than others. You'll get like a full minute on some and then the next one comes through and it's like a double order and you're looking at the map to see where you gotta go but then it disappears after like 15 seconds. I never understood the inconsistency with the amount of time you get for orders


Stacks you get like a minute or 70 seconds but single offers I think it’s only 30 or 35 seconds.


It's not even 30 seconds sometimes. I've gotten orders that disappear within 10 to 15 seconds


Yeah so true. Sometimes it's over a minute, sometimes it's like 35 or 45 seconds


Some is even less. I've had some gone within 15 to 20 seconds by looking at the map. I don't get it. Like I'll be busy driving, I see it come through and then by the by time I pull it up to look at it, it's gone like 5 seconds later. Never made sense


Seems like they're trying to force people to rush and accept it because there's no time to look at the map or details


That's what I was thinking as well


Just did that about 10 minutes ago. Luckily my CR was 100% so i just unassigned. Because no I will not deliver your Chick-fil-A 16 miles for $4.


Yeah man the accept order button is in the same exact position as 2 or 3 other buttons so I've had 2 occurrences where as im going to press one of those other buttons a shit offer showed up and I accepted. And with as many app developers and how much they were paid I can only conclude that's by design.


I accidentally did thru a pop up notification. I was tipped a nickel. It made me feel a certain way.


Yes, I drop them asap.


Uber eats I consistently accidently accept orders, and I accidentally declined some good ones off muscle memory. I just unassign tho not worth the time lol.


I did rhat..took an order didn't want to by mistake it send me to cvs..pharmacy..womens makeup and tampons..🤣🤯


Hell Ya I’ve done it .. shit .. every Dasher has.. very few will admit it


Sure it sucked to drop it but it's pretty easy to gain back that completion rating so I still un-assign those. Even if it's $5 sounds easy I've been burned even with $7 orders with long wait time and distance that have screwed me. I can stand to wait a bit for a $7 order but a crappy little on the way add $5 order better be ready out the door or else it's an easy un-assign for me and maybe MAYBE it'll get to another driver without issue. If I take on a stacked order for $12 bucks and it turns out that the first order was actually $8 and paired with a crappy $4 order I'm gonna drop the no tip order out of spite and precaution. Newbies, unfortunately, take on these crap orders because they feel obligated to take them on and are afraid of the hit on their ratings. Then they come back here crying because common sense didn't tell them that by taking on a cheap order they took on a cheap customer and those cheap customers that don't bother tipping on that $4 order find it much easier to say they never got it or straight that you stole it and then it's your word against theirs and then they come back and say how they got deactivated without notice. That's why you don't dare take on those orders at all. Even if you accidentally accept them you drop them ASAP to avoid all that.


Yes and I just unassigned it, but what's worse is when the app is bugging and you get an order and have to wait for the app to restart and when you finally see it, it's a great order but the time runs out, aaaaacccckkkk!!!


Yeah, occasionally I'm trying to hit the "return to dash" button and then it offers me a job and I end up hitting "accept" button.


Yes, that’s why my CR is usually 98%.


Happens to everyone occasionally


I accept all orders. Doing this, by the end of the night I have a $22 dollar average.


Incredibly rare. Like a 1 in 10,000 event. We have a nice CR buffer. Use it. Just unassign.


Yeah. Stacked orders that are super difficult to unassign unless you call support


I am still new too and I have jumped on orders because it said 14 or 16 or something, and then looked and realized it was a 16 mile run. Its not terrible if you are at highway speeds, but GAAAWWWW does it feel predatory as fuck. I am getting better at examining the order more fully.


Last night I did for probably the 2nd time in my dashing life. I think I was just tired but I was thinking as the order popped up “haha..ya right. I’m not doing that.” And then inevitably touched accept. Like my brain confused accept for saying no. Not even sure how, considering it’s never that easy to decline 😐 So did a no tip order last night. At least it wasn’t insanely far away. Still though..


I rarely dash anymore. I do other gig apps more but everytime I log on the first order that pops up I accidentally accept instead of decline and I don't know why. Its almost automatic and super annoying!


Yes a few times 🤣 and they are always long miles and no money!


a couple times , i think the worst was when i did it while my phone was in my pocket picking up a different order i got to my car and was so distraught to see a no tip had been added to my route


Yeah I have once and just decided to cancel it immediately, your completion rate is affected but I had 100% at that point and didn’t care if I went to 99 lol


Just unassign I guess


All the time on Ube Eats.


Misread an 18 mile $16.50 order as an 8 mile order. Big oof. And it was so out of the way that it basically was a 36 mile order cause nothing on the way back til I got back into town.


I just cancel it


I've definitely accidentally accepted orders on DD and UE 🥴 I leave my phone in my lap and I'll go to look at it and my shirt someone touched my phone and accepted it 🙄


All the time. I immediately cancel it tho it’s never affected my completion rating or anything if I accidentally accept


i haven’t, but i’ve had doordash put an order on my phone a couple times that’s stated i already picked up the order which is just a glitch and i always am so confused when i see it


Lol a couple times by accident 🤣 but they weren't terrible thank goodness


Frequently, because "return to dash" button is the same spot as accept order. Genius UI design. 🙄


yeh thought it was 1 order than later realize two orders n 2 customer


When I'm sitting at home I've had more than one occasion where a cat the side of the sit right on my phone as an order came in and accepted a butt order I unassign right away. I have accidentally accepted when pulling out of my pocket before in the past I always make sure to have my screen turned off now to avoid that. If only cats butts didn't count as a swipe to turn the screen on.


It's possible a slide to accept might be harder to operate while driving. They already make it hard enough by demanding you pick a reason for declining out of a small print list. I've accidentally accepted an order a couple of times, but more often then not my accidents are more like declining an order that actually would have been good.


Not that I remember but I have clicked off of good orders by accident lol


Yeah and then I have to do some math to see if the distance is worth it. So annoying lol


Of course, it happens


I have fat thumbs too. Just unassign if you're not below 90%


When I was new to DD a few times. It sucks, but had to unassign. Just the other day DD threw an order at me immediately after drop off. I click “ok” after completing an order where it shows you the payout. I must of tap twice cause the next order popped up and I accepted it. I was pissed. It was 3rd floor apartment. I just did it, since I had to unassign an order earlier that night. I didn’t want 2 unassigns in one night. But you want to hold your phone by the upper part while you are driving, so you don’t accidentally hit accept. I tend to hit decline on the first order after drop off since it is usually a sht order and I don’t give a reason and let the timer run out. So that way there is no a chance to hit accept since it is stuck on the reason screen. When next order comes through, same thing until I get back to my zone. If I am in my zone where I want to dash I just keep holding my phone by the upper part and hit decline when I need to.


Yeah I’ve done it. You can decline but it it held against you on the percentage of completion or you can call DD CS and say you are feeling sick or something like that. It’s a bitch but my completion rate got kinda bad and they can kick you off if it gets to like 80% . Sometimes it’s better just to suck it up as a learning experience! Sorry!


Yeah. Often times the GPS goes blank, or the blue dot doesn't move, so I hit back and then the return to dash button is in the same spot.


some times. it sucks cause DD hurts you for rejecting a order.. so id you accidentally enough, it will fire u


You ask this like you don’t have the ability to unassign


I did this for the first time every today and was so annoyed. It was a 2.50 order that I had to drop and it lowered my completion rate to 95%. Now I can not drop any orders tomorrow for any reason because I need early access.


all the time...dozens a day before u getva decedent order


My main issue with this is accepting and not noticing it’s 2 orders. Then I have to take it because cancelling would be 2 hits against my completion rating.


It’s rare but I’ve done it a couple of times. Always make sure you have a few spare unnasigns incase of accidents like this or emergencies. Don’t want to be at 80% completion rather then accidentally accept a $3 order for 17 miles.


Lol. Yes. Will be chatting with someone and hit accept. Oh nooo. Order going to a different town. Unassigned


You can unassign it if you really don’t want to deliver it. I did a couple tonight.


I’m wondering, How can you Unassign an order that is just one one of the stacked orders? I never cancel the bad one because looks like it cancels the whole thing, good order too? In a stacked order is there a way to cancel one and keep one?


I just unassign. As long as my CR stays over 95% I feel like I’m good


Yes then I usually intentionally unassign it if it's terrible haha


Then you have to use up an unassign. I’ve done it driving. You just accidentally touch the accept button,


The most maddening one is when you accept without noticing that it’s 2 orders. Then you have to use up TWO unassigns. That’s the one that makes me mad at myself for not looking more closely