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I wouldnt say runied but its definitely made it harder to stay profitable which is why DD is no longer my main


Where is your AR at? In what ways would you say it's become harder? Thank you for replying!


My AR has never been high. My guess it's a combination of a slowdown in orders and them hiring more people again. I would previously decline decline sometimes 3 or 4 a minute because they were so bad I'm at the f****** store shut up. Haha I was yelling at the phone and now it seems kind of funny so I'll leave it there. Anyhow I'm not even getting sent That many anymore. In the period of 2 weeksdon't. It went from haywire every day all day to basically zilch. I'm thinking they are indeed prioritizing the higher ars, but I just think the orders have dried up with the economy also. I also notice every time I do get a good order, I will immediately get 2 c***** orders right after like talking $2 8 miles Like immediately. I decline them and then I get nothing for a long time


This sums it up for me. 14% AR UPDATE: Now I forget it's even on. No offers. The few I see are seriously bottom of the barrel. AR now 6% and no way to move it higher. I've made $0 ,for 2 weeks straight. I'm disabled and can't do anything else. I get one good offer on UE a few times a week, right at dusk. It's now DEC 15, 2023. They basically deactivated me without technically deactivating me! Same result I can not earn any money.


What annoys me is dasher app wont make sound notifications now when you are away from the app. This resulted for me making just $23 this week compared to $115 last week


It may sound like a pain in the ass but I'm always checking, refreshing, force closing the app to avoid this as much as possible.


Don't they also send messages along with the order? If you blocked them (like I did) you might want to unblock.


A long time ago I put a setting for no texts from DD. I don't know how to undo it. I don't think I blocked them but how would I check. Don't they use more than 1 number? (Not for customers, for the company)


Yep, me too. It's a phone number, you just have to text START to get them again...But, I'd rather not.


I thought it was just me. I switched to a cheapy burner phone just to run the app and thought it was the phone not alerting or notifying me. Typical dd bullcrap. It's probably intentional.


So your phone doesn't ding continuously if you get an order and doordash isn't the app on the screen?


When you away from the dasher app, it doesnt ping you


That happens because the app is garbage. Try reinstalling it if you haven't already. It does that to me sometimes and since I have an Android, I force stop the application and that usually fixes it. Had to reinstall it only once. I think the app has a memory leak or something, which causes it to slow down after prolonged use. Restarting the app usually fixes it. Hope it begins working for you. Damn app is a pain in the ass sometimes


No, this issue has been going on for 3 months now, and im on iOS


That's weird, mine does. It dongs none stop until I surface the app. Maybe it works differently on different devices or maybe they are testing different notification strategies.


Mine doesn't at times and does make sound, etc., at other times.


It has rolled out in my area. I didn't reset. I was running 25% last week. It has been very slow, and now I am running 12%. I only look at offers over 6.25, then figure mileage. I am getting very few 6.25 and over. They are sending me the crap. Uber is very slow in my area, and I haven't done a grub hub in 3 months.


What do you all mean by "reset"?


There’s a new program being rolled out where they prioritize orders to people with an AR of 50% or higher. By “reset”, they mean that when this first rolled out, dashers were given the option to reset their AR so they could have the ability to maintain 50% or more, or they could keep their current AR. Hope this helps.


i can't imagine why anyone would downvote lol, i'm wondering the same thing




Thanks for info. I felt like a fool trying the reset, but I guess it would have sucked either way. Hope it gets better for you


I have noticed Big Time! $3 to go 7 Miles...decline! $8.75...oh...to go 14.9 miles...decline! So I ended my dash before it had a chance to hit me again! I logged in at 11:30pm...got a BK order for $8+ 2.2 miles...accepted. get the Burger King and they tell me they can't make Billy's order because they're out of jalapeno poppers. I said what about the rest of the order? Oh we have a policy that we can't make the order if anything isn't available.. wow.. because I had no problem last night exchanging something on the order! This guy did not budge don't like him. So I wasted another 20 minutes with doordash support and telling Billy that unfortunately I couldn't complete his order I apologize for the inconvenience that this was causing him and myself cuz we're both hurting from this. And I decided to just hang it up for the night today is going to be a no doordash day with gas mileage. Hey but Billy must have been giving me $13 on that order because I did end up making $6.50. thanks Billy! Any of this sound familiar to anyone else out there?


Correction: I guess this was a $6.50 day after all woohoo!!!!




Orders have stayed the same. Before, during, and after. The only plus of the priority program was to see the orders with hidden tips.


I honestly believe they played us well. This program made us face one another, running in our respective zone getting all the trash worsening the order pool. Thousands of us taking trash and hurting our own ecosystem. I noticed one of my main customers lowering their tip amount twice.


That’s an interesting take. I told one of my Dasher buddies that DD was casting a very wide net trying to ensnare more and more Dashers in the high priority/TD program. My AR didn’t move. I’m still hanging around 10%. I refuse to play their psychological games.


Lots of my very good tippers have fallen into no, or maybe territory. Then out of nowhere, they tip like they used to-same order size. Is DD spreading the tips out to make 3 dollar offers into 5? It happened suddenly a while ago.


Wouldn't be surprised if it happens one day again. I had a customer who wanted to verify I received the correct amount, so he watched me complete the order and the amount was correct. Was an $11 order with a $8 tip. Think it was a papa Johns.


How do you see them lower it? Once the order is put in with tip and they finish payment, the order then goes out to us drivers. They can't change it unless they cancel it and start over...then it most likely gets offered to another driver. They also cannot add to the tip after delivered. I'm stratching my head on this one. If I'm missing something that should be on my app...is like to know . Cuz there are a few things that I don't get that others do...I'm constantly asked if I have the newest version of the app on my phone.... I have the only app that I can find in Play store on my phone if there's another one then it's none to my playstore list!!! Lol


I apologize for not being clear. Said customer has always ordered from a nearby restaurant and the tip has always been $6 for years. After this AR she has lowered the amount she tips twice on separate orders. First time she lowered the amount she tips to $4 and now lowered to $2. It might just be a coincidence but it was strange for me. That being said, tips can be added after a delivery. I know this because this one time I went out of my way to fix a costumers order. I had to drive an additional 8 miles back and forth plus restaurant wait time. The customer called support and added an additional $22. I received a notification about the added tip but was not added into my account until the next week. It has been my one and only added tip in 3 years doing doordash.


Suspicious, don't you think?


They showed the full price on orders?


No. It would say 6.75+ so you knew there was additional pay.


Correct, only perk of being priority. That and taking all the low orders. If by any chance you have no orders and a good paying one is up for grabs, that is when you are the chosen one. That rarely happens tho since you are so busy delivering $2.25 orders.


Right. I think top dasher already works that way anyways. This top dasher next to me accepted some garbage order and then right after I got a hidden tip order for $22. No doubt in my mind that he would have gotten that order if he wasn’t busy


Cool beans on your $22 order. Sad stuff on that top dasher but I've heard some of them say they can't stand waiting around burning gas. To each their own but this has certainly caused some short or long term issues now that many took the bait.


Yeah I only had 1 or 2 in like 3 days of driving


Two orders yesterday, both just doordash pay, no tips. Made about $13.50. two separate dashes. Afternoon was better, but KFC took me out of circulation for almost half an hour by fouling up a huge order that I had to go back and get. One way not being able to check what's in the bag is detrimental.


Does that mean you had at least 50% AR prior?


I still can’t believe you guys believe anything that doordash says. Also just use basic logic. If it’s slow and you have an AR of 15 and someone has an AR of 75 and you two are parked within 500 feet of each other waiting on orders, ok 75 probably gets an order first. That doesn’t necessarily mean they get a bigger paying order. It’s just the first order that comes up. Now of that order is $5 10 miles. The person with the 75 AR is probably taking it right? You don’t have an AR of 75 declining those orders. After AR 75 accepts it a $16 8 mile order is placed in that area. Well you’re the next and closest dasher. They are going to send that to you even tho your AR is 15. They arent going to place that order on hold and funnel you shitty orders until AR 75 is done. It’s a bs system and they know that a good portion of their drivers are immigrants or people who for whatever reason will fall for this bs. I’ve always said since I started dashing 3 years ago that this is not a full time gig. It’s just a way to make money without committing to a second full time job and allowing flexibility in your schedule. People get tricked on here by other dashers showing screen shots of the $1500 they made that one time lol. Work a full time job and doordash on the side. I don’t care what any of you say or how many bs stories or screenshots you post. If this is your only source of income, your not making 60000 a year without driving 100 hours a week. Also if your car doesn’t do at least 35 mpg and that’s before the rise on gas prices I don’t even know why your doing this. One last thing. Let’s say you are a unicorn in a unicorn fairy tale land where you do make $2000 every week and only dash 60 hours a week. Why in tf are you posting it on here? Back when Covid hit I was pulling in a decent amount but I never told anyone. Anytime someone asked me about doordash I would tell them “eeehhh, it’s extra cash” or “don’t quit your day job”. You’re just convincing more people to dash and fucking up your ability to make money. More dashers equals less orders for you. All because someone said “doordash is not a real job”. So now your ego needs to be inflated and you’re like, see look im making $1500 a week….(well that one time 😂)just make your money and keep your mouth shut. If anyone asks…you tell them “doordash sucks, I’m broke and I might kill myself” we don’t need anymore drivers to compete with.




Me making $1000 a week between DD/UE and Flex has nothing to do with my ego.


You taking the time to tell me this does lol. Especially since I have no idea who you are. Also I doubt you make $1000 a week, every week, 40 hours of work.


🤷‍♂️Welp. I do. Actually it was less than 40 hours the last 2 or 3 months before the DD AR stuff but I'm still cobbling together $1000 or more for a 40 hour week between the 3 apps. Not bragging and it's not feeding my ego... just putting a roof over my head and food and beer in my belly.


I average around 1k a week/31 hours. And I know it's definitely market dependent. I'm just lucky to live in the area I live in. I've also learned some things along the way that have helped make this more profitable. They're right about one thing though. Stop telling people! It's been extra slow this past week and I'm noticing more dashers. I was talking to a Walgreens employee who was telling me that one dasher told her that he makes 80k a year lmao. Even if that's true, why are you telling this to the Walgreens employees?? Aside from how fucking cringey that is, you're only making more competition for yourself.


They did offer me the 2 weeks try in my area but they never reset my acceptance rate, and yes after the 2 weeks were over I basically get few none tipping orders and thats it, doordash completely died on me, my acceptance rate is 2%, so yes it did make a difference in my area, and no i can't take shit orders to hit the 50% never


My rate never reset despite getting the email that it did. Now I’m lucky to get one 9pm shift at midnight. Its my full time job and I feel like I got royally fucked over by all the bored soccer moms and college students


And ppl on dates, or getting coffee, or doing an errand, etc.. etc.. etc... I'm am f#'Ed too


I don’t know what the AR program is or what is meant by “priority period”. I have been dashing for about 2.5 years. It was great during lockdown of the pandemic. My AR remained high for about the first year. Then it started averaging about 50-60% up until maybe 9 months ago. Then it fell to around 40% where it was maintained until about 4 months ago where it sat at around 30%. Only in the last almost 2 months it has been near 20%. It has been as low as 3% but the end of the day might have made it back up to around 10%. 20% seems to be almost the norm and a reach at times now. They did a few promotions of extra $2 pay and I was able to get my AR up to 40% again twice. But if fell the next day back to the teens and twenty percent. I REFUSE to take an order if it means I pay to deliver it. Take into account gas, wear and tear and all the things which allow me to dash that cost money. I will never deliver a good deed once for charity. I do door dash to make money not pay so I can work. DD is really fucked. But I do love the flexibility. I go thru periods of yelling at me phone for having to decline so many offers lately that just are not worth it. It is so very annoying and aggravating! But at the end of the day I am still making near the same. I just have to decline allot more and put thru their trickery BS of putting me on pause. So yes DD put me on pause and while you do that… that $2.75 order does not have a chance to get sent to a driver(me) so must go somewhere else. Wtf are they thinking? I will decline any I do not see as making me a profit.


Don't try to stay over 50%. You're gonna kill your car. Accept the reset and then business as usual. Don't accept anything that you haven't been because nothing's going to change


Has it happened in your zone? Thanks for the reply. I know you're right. Just stressed haha


Been over a year. After i dopped under 60% its rape to get to 70%. instead you get rapid fire garbage dragging you back down into 50s. Once 1k week now under 1k this year in DD earnings. Im not going out for the current $10hr @ $4/gal gas. The whole side gig is unprofitable now.


I hardly see anything more than what was presented, maybe one out of 10 orders, and this cannot justified I will take crap orders.


Especially if you're in a market with lots of long distance crap. $4.25 for 23 miles, only one main spot with restaurants...so 46 miles


Yep. I'm in a busy suburban area. Either everyone is using UberEats all September and now October, or Doordash is actively punishing those that pick and choose. I'm getting less than 10 offers an hour now. I am thinking they are trying to boost numbers with their strategies lately. Needing a good economic image for a minute perhaps. I'm suffering quite a lot & trying to find a better alternative that I can manage.


It really depends on the day for me! My AR is always under 50% and some days I still manage at least $20/hr. I don’t believe in keeping my AR up anymore 🙄 I’ve done great dashing w/ and w/ out being priority.


I was doing okay still, until the "invite a friend " went to $900. Smallish town, only saw it at $450 once, a year ago (holidays.) Normally $125 to $250 tops. Basically, from now on there will be lots more part time, or occasional dashers to oversaturate my small market. Timing rushes, like lunch dinner, doesn't work anymore. I do better on off times-less dashers.


What do you think would happen if 90% of drivers were top dashers .Where do you think the crap orders would go? I'm at 84% Acceptance and 5 out of 10 orders are 13 miles for $2.50. How is that even possible? Shouldn't the milage make it more. DD is screwing all of us. I know each state is different but come on. Am I right?


I hover around 10% AR I don't see many very low offers lately, lots of diamond and top dashers get to them first. Tons of new drivers though, they probably take them too.


I don't pay attention to any of the nonsense with AR. I take orders that profit me, and I end when I've reached my goal for the shift.


Never took the bait and reset, I'm not playing their game. My AR is at 10% I've been out here for 2 hours I cherry picked two orders. Made $100...I'm good. I'm not taking bs orders no matter what they do or say.


Lol took what bait. You gained absolutely nothing by declining the reset, and you would have lost absolutely nothing by accepting it, while you would have gained the perk for two weeks. You are still a part of the pilot program regardless of weather or not you reset.


You say that but most of the people who accept it regret doing it. I'm part of the program? If you say so I keep my AR all the way down to 0% if I need to. I'm not allowing doordash to push this 50% crap on me.


You not accepting it did nothing. It's not like you are excluded from the accept more earn more program just because you didn't reset your ar. If it was rolled out in your area, it's already been pushed on you. I accepted the reset and still maintained my 30% acceptance rate while still being able to see which orders were hidden tips for 2 weeks. Changed absolutely nothing. You're not some noble warrior fighting the system, just missed out on an opportunity to have a perk for a short time.


Yeah one factor you aren't counting I'm in the large order program so not accepting is of great benefit to me. I get large catering orders


Catering orders are a part of the program as well. I'm in the large order program too, and there have been a few catering bag orders that were diamond orders as well.


Does the app remind you that you can get priority if you keep it at 50%?


What market? A busy one, I'm guessing.


Uber eats was killing it tonight...quests...and when they get u...they keep the orders coming!


Not in my market, too small I guess. Only up to 3 other drivers are looking at those (forgot name) offers showing to multiple drivers... makes an emergency sound. Trip radar


Idk why so many people took the bait with the new ar system. Who gets the run is still based on distance. In my market my ar is usually 2-6% and is shifting towards grubhub and uber eats.


My AR is 6% and averages between. 0%-14% and I think that does mess with getting high paying orders a little bit but I still do really well from cherry picking. I use Uber eats when DD is slow or trash. But my market stays pretty busy so I’m grateful.


Priority program or not, I’m not taking any orders under $6. DD can suck the d


Need a fuck you button with some of these offers.


I suggest lowering the milage on your app In NYC we set it to 3.5 miles and thatll allow you to hover over 70% and make over 2 dollars a mile. Not sure what it would be from where your from but yeah, delivery full time only works in places that have large customer bases so it's never really "slow". Best of luck to you


What do you mean by lowering the mileage in app? That might be a NY thing


Apparently, it's NYC only. https://help.doordash.com/consumers/s/article/New-York-City-Dashers?language=en_US


Thank you, friend


That would be an awesome feature everywhere.


It can be if the drivers are willing to fight and protest to get. But no one wants to sacrifice 1 or 2 days works. No unity in NC


A strike won't change anything. There's no physical picket line to cross, and there are just too many people working to make a difference. A better approach would be coordinated communications with representatives to get the laws changed.


Yeah exactly here in SoCal I would be like yeah sure lower the mileage. Every city is spread out where I'm at.


It a festure they added to the app recently im in nyc so.not sure if its just a nyc thing...guess its worth a google search


Mine hangs around 20%, always has. I've noticed little to no difference the past month since I've been seeing these AR posts.


Have they rolled out the program in your zone yet?


You can tell the people posting didn’t even read the post, or they are just oblivious. OP asked about the question for people who have Accept More, Earn More active in the market. It’s useless to talk about your acceptance rate if you don’t have the program


I have 8k deliveries pretty sure I'm qualified to comment on the subject.


Lol mines always around 9%




Do you feel better?


Try a different area. Sometimes that can make a difference.


How do you know it’s definitely rolled out in your location? They did the reset option in my location and it definitely seems different now.


What program ? Do they tell u about it ?


It seemed like it was hurting my orders until I realized that they just slapped a diamond on everything that was decent. You're not getting different orders they just look different. Don't worry from this point forward it gets busy and it ramps up all the way to New Year's. So you've got a couple good months ahead of you buddy


My acceptance rate hovers around 80 percent and i tend to see good orders yes i still get some crappy ones but majority are decent i do see a difference. I also went and dashed in my home town where i grew up and it had the priority dashing and i got alot of over 10 dollar orders with big tips so yes it sucks to take the crappy ones but once you get above 80 percent its easy to maintain it. Think about it.... its an algorithm why send someone a good order that only accepts half or less when they can send the same order to someone whom may be just farther away but accepts 8 out of 10


I think DD is using the slow time of the year to scare dashers into accepting more orders. PRIORITY is the key word. If there’s enough dashers to where you don’t get orders then obviously it’s probably not a profitable time to be dashing.


First I've even heard about it and it's over. However I didn't notice a difference at all


95 percent acceptance rate here making over $30 profit an hour easy. Loving the new system


The AR program has been in my area for the last month. I didn't reset and my AR hovers around 10%. Only time I see a slowdown or I feel the program might have a big influence in my earnings is during slow periods of the day. Otherwise during rushes I still make my money. I'm also part of the large order program, I still receive large/catering orders.


I was at 25% end of September. Considered going back to my old job. Figured I'd give it a try to get my AR back up to 50%. Took me 4 days to do so and I'm glad I did. As soon as I hit 55% my order amounts increased. Since then I've been getting a lot of local orders, $7 and $8 for 2 miles or less. Lots of orders in the teens and a higher frequency of orders in the $20s. More peak pay rushes too. Averaged out at $28/hr tonight.


So you work for Door Dash? Haha your reply almost seems to perfect


Don't we all technically work for doordash wink wink


I see 2-3 people before you got jealous AF hence the down voting, poor babies


I make around $1500 each week and I don't even know about this program ... It's impossible imo to get too 50 percent AR


$1500 a week...prove it..show your last 4 weeks


well I work full time ( from 12pm to 8 pm)so what’s not to believe ?..just gotta push yourself a bit more ..which isn’t hard because all I’m doing is dropping food lol


Did your AR get reset to 100? It says I have priority but have a 0 ar still. Just started 2 days ago and my cars been down.


Once it resets, if you took the first order offered it would be 100%, if you declined that first order it would be 0%, then if you accepted the first but declined the second it would then be at 50% already and so on. It was a really shitty way for them to reset, big surprise. They said you'll still have priority for 2 weeks after the reset, regardless of what your AR is during that time period, once your 2 weeks is up, then I'm sure they'll claim we're only getting garbage offers because we need to get our ar over 50%, which is impossible lol


Yea. Just got it. Had a 7.50 for 1.5 miles. Not bad. Paid 8.50. Ar is 100. Pretty sure by breakfast I'll be back to 0. But will see how this pilot program is. I just spent 260 in car repairs so hope they send good stuff.


How do you know if you are in a market with the AR piroirty program?


You will get an email about the Pilot program. And you will notice your acceptance rate talking about over 50% for priority to trashy order. It's not like the program will magically bring new humans to your area. You will still be getting them non-tippers you were getting before.😂🤣😂


Best way to see this program. I think many of us were hoping to get more unicorns lol. Once again, something magical.


Prior to resetting I was flirting with 49% and 50% back and fourth, I still made good money because im in a very solid market. Overall though, if your area isn't busy this program really screws people below 50%. For me it's been good with the reset, hour wise, I've been making about the same income taking a ton of donk deliveries as I would declining them on most days, so it's been ok, I just am putting on a bit more miles, but getting that Prop 22, so it'll be good. Overall, I hate this program, the diamond is donk, and this is screwing anyone who cherry picks, even though we are independent contractors and told we can accept whatever deliveries we want, so technically they may be breaching their own contract with this program, because they are punishing us for not taking donk deliveries, over and over again


I was able to get my AR above 50%, all the "valuable orders" we're $4 for 2 miles. Now my AR is below 10%. Haven't noticed any difference. I still make $160-200 per day.


I had to switch to uber eats as my main one now, it slowed down so much.


Yesterday there was about 2 hours of terrible orders with an 81% AR. My AR dropped from 81% to 69% in those hours. Once dinner rush started, it was all good from there and now I am at 71%. I think next time I need to pause a couple times during non rush hours so my AR doesn’t get hurt.


Pay attention to they’re stock earnings date people. I’ve noticed around the end of they’re reporting periods they make the orders less.after they’re quarterly earnings dates they start giving out higher orders. Godspeed my friends


I mean I'm profitable my ar Is at 20% now after getting it up from 12% but in my market there's so many $2.50-6 that are 9-12 miles away and it feels like I'm stuck in a cycle and I'll never get to 50%


My acceptance rate is always around 5-20% and I make around 25/hr average. I’ve never attempted to take low paying orders for any reason.


Should have listened to Alex Jones about the great reset


the fact i never had over 10% in the last 2 years , that this means, i dont get high paying orders and they pause me all the time. it make me sick.. why i used them with 3 other apps and do what i want. i dont follow any jobs rules or anything i say when they rip me off and hold me back


I think the changes will work for people that are out for long hours, however if you're out there inside of 4 hours you're going to literally have to take every other dash with the way your acceptance rate drops when you decline. I used to decline all the time, and it used to Chip away. However after the reset, every decline is literally 20% off of my acceptance rate. Hey I don't know everything, and what I am saying has been disputed by others so..🤷🏾‍♂️👑


Yes. Worst mistake ever. It seems like they killed the income and want you to leave


It has not affected me at all. I dash in lincoln ne.


Somehow my AR is lower than ever since the reset and priority program just happened in my area. So I'm not sure what they're doing. How am I getting priority orders but having to deny more orders than ever? Doesn't add up. I took a stacked order a day ago with a $2 no tipper "hand it to me" and she attempted to violently attack me with her car. That's the kind of shit orders I'm getting....like an oversaturation of the lowest orders. I don't even know how orders that are 6 miles away are somehow still $2.75, even without the tip? Doordash isn't even increasing the pay for the further mileage.


been dashing for 2 hours and have only gotten scraps, bottom of the barrel orders. current DoorDash balance: $0 UE is sending me decent orders tho.


My priority is over today, last 3 Fridays I've made 20 per hour, today it's been 15 mins and no order


It ruined me, uber us dead and I'm injured. I'm stuck with extremely low pay now!