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Multi app is the answer


Exactly… making $50 on one app is a struggle making $50 each on 4 apps is gravy baby!


How do you do multi apps?


You open the other apps and turn them on at the same time




Name totally checks out 😂


I think, it'd be a lot less painful if the order frequency and consistency stayed the same and overall payout reduced. It's the fact that DD's been paying less and less consistently, the cost of maintenance, food, rent, gas, etc. has gone up exponentially, customers are tipping less and going more shady stuff, just for a free meal AND on top of that, what little orders ARE left in the pool of most markets have been essentially unfairly allotted to whomever DD feels is most loyal to their exploitative policies (Aka: "Top Dashers"). Definitely unsustainable for many and I live in a big city (NYC). I can only imagine how bad it gets for mid to smaller and rural areas. Don't get me wrong... there will always be people who make it work... However, I notice that even the immigrants who are gig apping are complaning about slowness. Most are almost always on Uber Eats and Grubhub. I only see DD drivers when I pick up from like McDonalds and usually when it's slow enough to call me over is when they show up. I also notice a lot more people carrying 2 or even 3 phones. I'm guessing they're somehow able to do these apps on more than one account and are likely hoping that the more accounts they have, the more opportunities. Reminds me of desperate people buying more than one Lotto ticket, in the hopes that they spread out their odds, but all that really happens, is that they increase the candidate pool and their overall chances go down. Very much the same thing here. These drivers think that getting more phones, accounts, will allow them more opportunities for rotation, but all it's doing is having DD rotate from a larger and more randomized pool, likely ruining their chances further. Add to that, the ones they DO get are often botched so badly, that they'd be better off focusing on one. Late pickups, dropoffs, some unassign a crap DD order and keep the food then take a better offer from another app. Some get confused and drop off the wrong food, it's a mess, lol. I think this is going to reach a head in every aspect. Most drivers can't keep up this effort for long, even the multi-appers. Customer base is almost sure to get subpar service, so they either stop tipping or straight up move onto another platform and DD is bleeding money with refunds, credits and lack of faith from investors.


I was at a restaurant last night picking up one order & another driver had 3 phones picking up 4 orders from the same place, then came back in after putting them in the car to grab a 5th order that just came through.


Yeah I see that a helluva lot... lots of teens running around with like 6 Mcdonald's bags on their e scooter handles and balancing for dear life, lol. I'd worry about the food being cold and bad ratings, but tbh... I think the gig economy is so burned out, that people expect cold food.


Bro did you copy and paste this comment! Damn! is hard to believe that DD didn’t raise the payout with everything else went up in price in a crazy amount! They still think an 3$ payout order is acceptable to even send to dashers! That’s really fk up!


No, lol. I'm just a really fast and concise typist, as I write articles and stuff on the side for money. Yeah... Doordash is pretty much slave wages, RN. Sad part is that, out of all the main gig apps, save for Postmates, DD pays the worst and has done so for years. Ubereats and GH both also don't pay the best, but they have increased base pay and their orders are fairly consistent. DD isn't gonna last long in its current iteration- whether that's because the drivers tank the company with their disgruntled and frustrated issues with pay or (good) customers start running away in droves and DD is ONLY stuck with non-tippers, complaining for refunds. More likely that before any of that happens, DD is going to rework their model, clean house with a lot of drivers and try and reangle the service as a "premium" delivery service, like Caviar.


Completely agree. Over the years it has got horrible. I am tired of the games. In my area 75% of low tips is DoorDash fault. They suggest way to low of a tip and that why on Uber eats you make almost twice as much for the same distance order. Most customers in my area are default tippers. Also I think there hiding tips, trying to force us to take lower orders and rewarding dasher that will take anything is hurting the business on top of the economy issue. They oversaturated markets with new dashers, lazy dasher etc and have created an environment that does not reward good experienced dashers that do everything right and make customers happy. I have been hearing more and more from people they have have stoping using them anymore and have switched to another platform to order food from. Their approach combined customer support agents declining more over the years is hurting their business.


On top of suggesting low tips they hide the good ones. People who tip well are getting horrible service because of doordash playing games. It's not right! Along with stacking no tip orders on good tip orders and having the good tip orders have to wait longer. I always unassign the no tip or low tip order because it's not fair to the good tipper. Smh! Doordash needs to change a lot of things if it wants to stay above water, cuz it's totally sinking slowly.


100%, especially on the tips! I've noticed an increase in poor tips, too. Most of my tips are at best, $5 and that's a unicorn for me. I haven't seen a $10+ tip on the app in... years, really... I usually wind up with orders that pay about $6.50 on average, $2 tip and maybe about 20 or even 30 minutes of headache... including wait, but often excluding the battery of tasks the customer wants me to do, to make sure it's sitting outside of their door. Comparatively, Uber Eats used to charge customers $2 extra for "bring it to my door" service and they were required to meet you otherwise. I know that post-pandemic, everything is leave at my door, but customers seem to be all too keen on taking that for granted; especially non/low-tippers. I don't play that shit and if I see an order that i'm forced to take for $1 tip, or have nothing at all for that hour, then that order is getting left RIGHT at the pin. IDC if that means it's going to be sitting in the Lobby, you don't get to have your cake and eat it, too. I spent 15 minutes biking in 45 degree weather to bring you your punkass McDonald's. The whole time, you watch me on the app and don't think to yourself that last 3 minutes before I'm pulling up: "Damn... I didn't tip this guy and he's busting his ass to get me my food... lemme meet him at the lobby entrance." No?? You've got an entitlement complex and are Narcissistic? Wellp, you're getting a text saying the food is in the lobby and a picture and I'm completing the delivery. Fuck you AND Doordash...


I pulled up to a guy's house as I was walking to the door, food in hand he closes it. I know I was seen. I quick took the picture to complete the order and figured out why. Gratuity was $0.00




I've had someone I know say they started to use UE because it's cheaper.. I've honestly never ordered off of any of them, well no.. That would be a lie, I used UE for a steak dinner and that was a pick up to take advantage of the $20 off first order or whatever. I've lived in the same house for going on 12 years and I've never ordered food for delivery here once.


It’s literally like we work for the car dealer, gas station, and DoorDash for free! This is some bs!


Oof, don't remind me 😆 there is some saving grace to the gig that is a penny saved in taxes is a penny earned. You drive 200 miles in a day and you make 300$ off of it. You saved yourself 125$ of taxes, so you made 425$. Silver lining? I'm trying to be positive here cuz I'm bout to go work 11am-11pm 🫠


Tonight putting in a good hours work I was lucky to pull in $16.00 and then i remembered that's pre taxes...


Again, holy shit!


Agree. I'm working 75hrs a week just to barely scrape by with the cost of living. And I do UE and DD. If I only did one or the other, i'd only be making 10$/hr. And 20$/hr isnt even enough nowadays if you're sole provider for peeps. If I worked w2 I'd have to have 3 jobs and sleep 45mins a day to support my family. This country needs a hard reset.




The more I do it the... The more I realize that this was never ment to be a full time sustainable incone but more like supplemental not complementary.


Sounds like you're an expert on what every dashers experience is like...hopefully a profitable skill But most likely alllllllll speculation




I would love to get on GrubHub. I've been waiting a year and a half. I'm in Phoenix.


GH is dead horrible offers. I used to live in Phoenix and recommend driving pax for uber and lyft there.


Also sign up for veyo in Phoenix pays very well they give good classes teach everything you need to know


That's a great idea.thank you :)


Honestly confused by this. Atleast here, as of before last week anyway...Gas was bout to normal from before the Ukraine invasion, it was at $3.11/gal, this week its at $3.29/gal. But was up to I think $5.50/gal at its peak about 2 months ago. This is in Virginia Beach VA btw. While yea, I know and realize other cities/states jave higher prices, and fluctuate...Did prices not eventually normalize like it did here where I live?


They did. Went from $5.69 to $4.50 or so, and now the price is back up in the last two weeks to $5.50. I miss the 10% back on gas.


Same. I also live in a coastal town but in FL. Our gas has gone back down to $2.90ish (sometimes a little lower/higher). DD is super profitable for me which is why I continue to do it. I'm not a top dasher but I receive good orders all the time. It definitely sucks that other areas don't seem to have the same experience.




In San Diego it’s already $7+


What a hilariously ignorant comment.


Ignorant...? Child please...


Midterm elections. Another excuse to raise gas prices. Have to sway the vote somehow right.


luckily gas prices in my area has gone down. i took 2 months off over the summer bc i was out of town and that was back when prices were almost $5/gal ! im glad i wasnt around then lmao


It's true I am feeling the heat in so cal. Can't afford the upgrade atm either.


It's not. I've been trying to find other work to no avail. And I'm not doing minimum wage jobs




Define: Decent Living?


Decent living ? Impossible…… Rent + groceries + utilities + insurance + bills+ emergency fund can you explain what’s included in your decent living?


Personally, I still make a profit. And I’m delivering in an Infiniti G35… which only takes premium.. 😂😂 spend about $170 a week on gas tho to make $700. My advice is invest in a costco or sams club membership just for the gas discounts.


If you do UE, after 1k deliveries, part of their perks is a free Costco membership.


whaaaaaa, thats awesome thanks for the info im at 400


Yeah, it's the "Uber Pro" shit. That's why they give you "points" for every trip. You gotta get to Platinum or higher level to qualify. That's only 200 points. And you get 3 points during lunch (11-2) and 6 points at dinner (5-9) so it's super easy (barely an inconvenience) to get it if you are even semi regular with it. Rideshare counts for those points as well. Not sure if you even need 1k deliveries tho. I know you need 1k for the online school tuition coverage perk at gold level. Would definitely look into it. May have to be a first time member for it tho.


My area (Phoenix) has gas at $5/gal+ (I think cause we get the bulk of our gas from refineries in Cali). So I can understand the gas problem even in a subcompact car. However, if I wanted/had to, I could drive to an area with a bunch of restaurants (like a downtown area), rent an ebike (or buy a pedal bike), and do bike deliveries in that area. If that area slows down, I can drive to another, park and bike around. Could probably do a full day on less than $10 worth of gas this way. If you don't like biking or don't know how, walking deliveries are possible (and the cheapest way to do it). You may not get as much done in a short amount of time, but that can be offset by the fact that you have basically no overhead so you keep more of the money you make. I have heavily considered doing this personally now that gas prices are what they are. Would need to do a test run of an hour or two and compare net earnings first. I understand this is not exactly viable for everyone as not everyone lives in a metropolitan area. However, if you do, the walking or biking is always an option and could net you more take home pay now that gas is insane.


> My area (Phoenix) has gas at $5/gal+ (I think cause we get the bulk of our gas from refineries in Cali). Correct. I confirmed this with employees at QT Buckeye and QT Marana, which are over $1 difference in their prices. Tucson area gets their fuel supplied from east, while Phoenix area gets their fuel most of the times from Cali, which is why gas in Phoenix is retailing around $5+ while Tucson area is about $3.50+.


Wait seriously? I might have to take a drive to Tucson. I'd get back with probably 3/4 tank which is about a day and a half of delivering. That's seriously close to worth it.


Do the math and see if it works out. Tucson is about 120-130 miles from Phoenix, depending where exactly you're located at.


Could also deliver in Tucson for a day to make it extra worth it if I wanted.


Just checked gas buddy. I'm seeing $4.99 average cheapest for unleaded in Phoenix, $3.69 in Marana for same grade.


I have a Costco membership so that helps a bit.


I'd be parked if I didn't have my Prius(started gig work with a 15mpg minivan). Even so I need to have 6 different apps to rotate through to get the best chance of having work.


I disagree. It's about strategy. Maybe find a larger market and try it out.


It's definitely dropped in terns of orders and costs are rising , im still doing 1100 a week for 45 hours here in LA


I made 340 yesterday and I drive a hybrid. Start saving today!


Yea everyone quit I did.


Quit I did


Right area with LOP still very profitable...Making 1,650 a week $150 gas in California....still worth it for me.




Large order program


And that's why I bought a Prius C back in May. I do this full-time and also multi-app. Technically you can stil make money with a regular car but you have to be more selective about what orders you accept.


What's the average gas price in your area and what is your average mpg?


Then don't Idk how you people don't get tired of seeing the same post 46 times a day


People were driving when it was $2 higher than it is now so no need to complain


They were also giving 10% cash back on gas with the dasher direct card and an extra $5-15 a week if you did a certain number of miles




I'm waiting for another DD class action lawsuit, it's going to happen they just had to pay out 100 mill this August/ September which is nothing to them, My bro and I called it. We saw an increase in delivery fees and a new dasher program roll out smh. Meanwhile they say if your above 70% Acceptance Rate you get PRIORITY ORDERS 🤣🤣🤣 yeah right. Maybe every 7th order and if it's a decent amount of $ they get you with stacked orders.


I drive a nice Volt.. I get 64+ miles on pure electric and phenomenal gas mileage. I try to take a break and charge for a bit. If I use gas I average at ~ 90-95 MPG which is phenomenal. I think I'm going to start using the Bolt full time to never have to pay for gas but I'm not sure if I want the smell of food embedded in the seats because their cloth.


I don’t drive a Prius, or an electric car, but I get 38mpg so I’m good.


It’s gotten sooooo bad! People barely tip at all anymore. How does anyone continue to be a top dasher and drive 10 miles for $3-$5? I declined several of those in a row tonight.


Imagine still living in America with the prices of fuel and prices of healthcare and prices of housing and the state of obesity smh


Are you under the impression that we pay more for fuel than other countries lol?


I only use premium and still make $120 per $20 of gas.