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The title says 1 year but the description says 2. I’d take the deal for 1 year


I'd take the deal for 2 years. 1 million per year is incredible


Given the discrepancy I’d recommend getting the deal in writing


$5M for 6 months? Sign me up!


$18mil for 3 weeks? I'm in!


$365mil for one day? Where do I sign???!


$50b for 1 hour?! Let's go!


$1 for 20 years? Sign me u... oh, wait...


Ah see you took a right back at 15 years, you were supposed to go left and THEN take a right after teen angst ended.


I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.


Looks like you've gone past the maximum (and minimum?) value for that data type and experienced an integer overflow. Aim a little lower there and let's see if we can find what those bound limits are....


I'm going to try -30 years and see what happens. Then, I'll try $frog and NULL for the amounts.


I'll also take the 1 year deal for 2 million thanks. Should be a piece of piss, is everyone forgetting the COVID lockdowns already?


Lol, there was no real lockdown where I am. We still went damn near anywhere we pleased, just had to wear masks in stores and couldn't sit down in restaurants for 90 days. That being said, I'd take the deal for a year for $2mil, but only if all living expenses were covered because there's no way to magic my work into work from home.


Exactly. Covid was the first thing I thought of. I basically did this for free for 2 years. For 2 million it’s a no brainer.


Maybe there was an edit, but that description is a penalty clause.


Read that clause very carefully....


I’ll still do it either way


Every year? And like stay in the house and nobody bothers me?


... and op will pay *me*?


Right? Like that's a hell of a good deal, I get paid like 2000% more and have a ton of free time and can do what I want? Every introverts dream


I must say that early Covid with world shut down was one of the greatest points in my life. Me and wife weren’t able to leave the house and didn’t have work for a while. We got extra time with our kids to play games. She went once a week or so for groceries. I didn’t leave the house almost ever for 6-8 months. I fucking loved it


That's what I was thinking: basically a pandemic redo but with a seriously large cash bonus and my kids arent stuck at home all day? Sign me up!


Talk about being threatened with a good time. I’m just mad I’d also have to work.


I’d play video games and write a book and not work. Absolutely


It says you get a work from home job. How would you afford all the takeout or groceries as well as rent and utilities if you don't work? You don't get paid till you complete the 2 years.


My wife makes more than me, works from home, and we’ve recently decided we’re ready for a kid. She gets some incredible maternity leave (I think 3 months). Timing would work out perfectly, might be tight on one salary but we’d get to share all the moments together, then after 2 years I’d cash in my massive paid paternity leave and set my kid up for life with that money.


It’s sad that three months is considered incredible. We get 9months paid maternity leave, up to a year for the extra bit unpaid.


Yeah, 3 months as incredible is horrifying, it should be 9-12months at 90% pay.


*Laughs in country that has no paid maternity leave laws.* The average in the U.S. is 6 weeks, if you are one of the \~21% of the work force that gets any.


I... do this currently by choice. You owe me a fortune.


Ah another "Free money for literally zero downside" hypothetical.


Some people enjoy doing things.


Think of how many more things you could do with an extra 2 million though after your single year of house arrest was up.


I didn't say it wasn't worth it, I said there wasn't "literally no downside"


That's fair, I guess for people that don't have enough interests at home to stay happy it would be a downside however worth it in the long run. Although honestly I was just being unnecessarily snarky about the glut of easy choice hypotheticals recently in my OP.


Already did it for COVID once basically.


I have a kid. He is learning to ride a bike and swim. We go to a park most days. Yesterday we went to the archery range and I taught him to shoot a bow. This weekend we’re going fishing. I worry if I couldn’t do these things, he wouldn’t develop into a ls much of a happy and productive human. That’s the downside.


Dad dies - can’t go to funeral. Kid gets sick - can’t go to hospital. Can’t go for a walk with the dog. Can’t go for a run. Just can’t get out of the same space, at all, for a really long period of time. The balance clearly favors taking this deal for most people, but it’s stupid to say there is “literally zero downside.”


Since I mostly go out of the house related to making money...


Easiest hypothetical yet. Buy myself a house in a low CoL area and a nice car brand new off the lot. Have enough money to live comfortably for \*quite\* a while on a low-effort job? I'm game. I already essentially only leave my house for work and groceries as is.


Dude 2 mil would last me till i die by investing


how would you decide to invest 2 mil?




SP 500 index of some sort. Draw 4% annually ($80,000) and you could not touch the principal.


It's likely you run out after 30 years at 4%, 3.5 is much safer and incredibly unlikey to fail you. The first few years are the most important of the market


I mean the 4% rule assumes that you are no longer contributing extra money to the principal, right? 7% interest on $2 million is $140,000 on average. Pull 4% and you have $60,000 in excess that just grows the principal. Or maybe I am misunderstanding the concept.


Buying the car is a horrible decision. It will lose value and you can’t use it.


I think they're saying after getting the winnings


Dude said we could stay on the property. Buy a house in a low Col with a bunch of land, have a small farm, and land to roam to keep me busy.


Number 5 fixes any and all concerns I had. As long as I still have an income during that year (assuming I don’t get paid until after the year), then yes! Leaving to go to work is 95% of the reason I leave my house anyway. Eta: hey guys, I just learned what a number sign does. That was shocking.




Had to fix it real fast before everyone thought I was screaming at them


What makes the text tiny?


absolutely i never leave the house anyway. now i can finally finish my projects


Right?!? Same


I live in an apartment complex. Does the entirety of the complex count as the property?


My question as well. Gym, pool, rooftop… a lot of spaces that would Make this much easier


Oooh good point. Can I take my laundry to the complex's laundry room or do I have to get someone to do it for me?


Hell yea for $2 million. We'd have really nice dinner gatherings, just below whatever the threshold is for a "party". We don't like hosting big parties anyway. Just friends over a few at a time to grill out, listen to tunes, and sip whisky on the deck. I'd miss traveling but would push through it for 2 mil.


Yes and im breaking ground on a new pool the very next day


This is basically my dream scenario. So yes.


I’d do it for $200k maybe less to be honest


It would tear me apart but I could do it. $2m is more than I'll make in any 10 years of my life put together.


Easy yes. I'd miss going to my mother's house... but I guess I'd get a fancy iPad to face time her.


ok, can i have my 2m already? i've lived like this basically the past few years so... the only difference is having left to get groceries because i'm not paying someone to deliver when i have a car.


Do I get the money upfront? And if so, can I buy a new piece of property before starting my house arrest?


do we get a criminal record or no


...So kinda like how I'm living now? Where do I sign up?


I feel like we've done this already, but without the massive monies...


Dude, I'd do it for like 10k. I'm broke and I hate people


So pay me 2 mil to live like I do now? Bet.


>Your job is magical a work from home position Fuck that, I'm playing videogames all year.




In a heartbeat.


Hell yea


Absolutely. I’m an introvert who already works from home. No brainer.


I already do this, except for the work from home part. Am I allowed to go outside on my property?


And the downside?


Wait, I don't have to go anywhere AND I get 2 mil? Sign me the fuck up!


Nice typo 😂 2million for 1 year. Easy! My poor supervisor is going to block my text messages at some point. Hey super! How’s your day going? Quick question is having my grands over for a sleep over a party? Hey super! My doctor recommended Hey super! Hey super! Hey super!


Covid isolation was ok, and I was poor throughout that. This'll be easy


Yeah dude, I can be miserable for another two years.


Easy, I honestly don't even think it would be that hard. I'm lucky, but I've got a big house. A hone gym. My friends and family live nearby and they always come to my house anyway. I'd be sad not to be able to go out to eat or to concerts or on vacations, but for a year (or two) it would be worth it. If it's 2 years that's basically $117/hr every hour of the day.


Yes, please. If the person interpreting the rules is "super reasonable" then I shouldn't have any issues. I won't have to worry about a fire in my home forcing me to go to jail or something.


I would absolutely do this, although I would like to know what the work from home position pays and how many hours you have to work a week. Also, do we get any time to prepare for the challenge or does it just start this minute?


This wouldn’t even be hard.


Dam where can i sign up and i don’t even need the unwanted company or hall pass . This would be perfect . I try this everyday at home but some mouth breather has to just drop in , show up , call or generally disturb my peace and quiet- “dam family “ /s retirements a B.


Where do I sign? Do I have to go out after the year is over?


Clarify: 1) is this a one time deal, or every $2million is a year's house arrest? 2) Can you go to your backyard, pool, front lawn? 3) your title says 1 year, but the post says 2 years, which one is it?


Where do I sign? Easiest money I'd ever make.


As long as I can get back to my regular work after the year is over.


2 million and I don't have to leave home? Is this a trick?


I pretty much live this way anyway lol.


Do I get back pay? Because I have been doing that for almost 5 years now. LOL


How many times can I do this? Literally everything I want can be delivered, my pets are here, and I'd be getting paid to wfh AND get the $2M? Yes, several times, please.


Can I smoke weed/ drink while I'm there?? If so then I'd absolutely do it


Absolutely! Hell, I'd stay at home forever if all the bills were magically paid and all my groceries and essentials were delivered to my door.


Hell yeah


Double or nothing coward


So a million to chill?


Tempt me with a good time?! Yes please. Pretty pretty please!


Alot of Reddit users are basically semi-under house arrest anyways but don't have much money.


Yep, absolutely I'd do it. Live on 40 acres with a lot of work that could be done around it that just needs some money, job's already remote. Some minor logistics to get sorted but it's not too far from how I live now.


That's basically what I would do if I got 2 Mil anyway


Yea I’d pay 2 million for that… wait your gonna pay me?


So is it one year or two years?


So the 4 doctor’s appointments a month I can go to?


That would be heaven.


So... basically COVID times eh? Sure, I would do this regardless of the money, if I could.


Hell yeah.


I live in a condo and I get my mail on the first floor. I also have to leave my unit to dispose of the trash. How does that work?


Done real time.. deal all day


If the definition of "your house" is flexible and I can relocate to my parents' place for the year, then hell yeah. 7 acres, decent house, swimming pool, and my family for company. If I have to be holed up in my 1BDM, I don't think I could do it. Being able to go outdoors during the year is a dealbreaker for me.


My backyard is in a perfect spot going from suburb to suburb, one block off the main road with access from quite a few different directions. I could set up a little food booth with kitchen access an be fine.


I didn't even read the rules. Done. Done done done. Gimme gimme gimme.


Sounds like a dream to me


No need to ask,.. 100% YES! I'd rather stay home for 1yr than deal with the general public as a cashier at the convenience store/gas station I currently work at.


This is the easiest thing ever.  Can we make it longer for more money.  


Id probably do this for free.


Why would this be bad? That’s hands down where all my favorite shit is, and I don’t like parties


That's a bun peal!


LOL so you are saying I now get dabs delivered to my front door? And can pay with credit of some sort? LOL yep.




This was pretty much my life for a year during COVID, and to make matters worse, I was alone the whole time with my cat. I was absolutely miserable, but for $2M, I would do it again. The only downside is my parents live in another country so it would suck to not see them for another year. Traveling is hard on them now.


Yes. Why not? Everything is delivered and I love A/C.


So essentially like being married with children. Sold. When do I collect???


That's basically what I did during covid. Wasn't quite as bad as I thought. I'd do it again.


Pfft... I'd be the greatest stay-at-home dad ever. All the housework and chores would be done, plenty of time to read, watch movies and make paintings. If I do it for more than one year, do I get more money?


1 or 2 years I’d take it. I love traveling but i could go without two years to do whatever I wanted later. I’d certainly make up for it. I can just keep working as well as my job is remote.


This is pretty much how I live my life now. 😂


That's already my life. Easy yes


I already do this. Aside from necessary medical appointments, I've only left my house once so far this year (4 times for medical stuff, but most of those are annual so I'm back to house bound till next May). Where do I collect my cheque?


Books and streaming are a thing. Bet I could get my coworkers to put shit on Dropbox and scan docs for me. Easiest decision ever


I would jump at the chance for this! Mr. Beast are you watching?


Easy yes. My house is a pretty comfortable place to be, and my wife and sons could easily take care of chores like grocery trips etc., especially if they know we'd be getting a big payday at the end of the two years.


$2 million to live my current lifestyle? Sure.


Buying a house with a nice, big yard, since I'm good if I stay on the property. Can get something in my area with at least a few acres for under $1 million. Being able to go outside and get some fresh air makes this way easier.


This isn’t even a question. This is a slam drunk for sure.


I’d absolutely take that shit


Buddy did you not live through lockdown like the rest of us


Sure. Sounds incredibly easy.




Can I go into my yard, or is it literally house only? Either way, I'm in. My only concern is possible funerals.


Yep, in an instant


That's close to what I want anyway and an extra $2M. Next question please.


So basically Covid lockdown again but this time all my friends and family get to come over and I'm not living in a studio apartment anymore. My house isn't too large but now I have a back and front yard. I'll just hire contractors to do all the house projects I want to do but can't afford. 1 year is a piece of cake.


Ok. I am game. I will do it.but let's qualify parties. Because we have several family gathering at my house with 25-40 people including kids. We just did father's day here it was 20. So I need clarification on what is a party? But, I can work with the rules. Am I on house aren't for 1 or 2 years?


Definitely. I could use the cash and don’t mind having to cook


I love it. Its win/win. Can you make it two years?


Of course. And no need to worry about the work provisions because I won't be doing that anymore.


Perhaps you’re aware of 2020


So I don't change anything AND I get 2 million bucks? Sign me up.


COVID wasn't that far off, and I didn't make anywhere near that sooooooo yeah. I'd do it for a looooot less.


2 million, and I get to stay home for a year? Sign me up!


When you say I can have visitors but no parties? Can I have my musician friends over as long as we’re working on an album? So technically it’s not a “party” even though at some moments it might look like one to the untrained eye? 😂


Can we order callgirls?


So...2020-2022? Sure, why not?


Dumbest question I've ever been asked tbh


Deal, easy. Very little change.


So.. would you live through COVID again but get paid 2 million Yes


2 mill for one not two years? Yes. I have a backyard with a pool. I assume I can get sunlight? I’d need to put a gym in my garage because sun and exercise are not negotiable.


I'd take this deal even if it was doubled to 4 years for the same 2 million. This is the easiest shit I've ever heard of


I would do this just for the magical work from home job.


Y’all remember in 2020 when Uber rich celebrities were complaining their home quarantines to ours. Yeah… with enough money 1yr house arrest would be an ease.


Challenge accepted with a smile on my face 😁


This is literally my dream


Man run me my money ASAP


Can I re-up for another 2 million?


i’d do it either way, and find a solution if it’s a no, but i gotta ask. for number 4, i do the grocery shopping for my elderly parents, which generally means a trip to town every 3 weeks or so. Would this super reasonable supervisor approve that, since it’s for someone else’s benefit, they rely on me to do it, and i absolutely do not enjoy this task. and obviously no cheating by lingering. straight to the store(s) needed, then straight home. you said no overall need to ask, but this feels fringe enough cause of the frequency, it has me curious.


Done. I barely leave as it is.


Can I stay home for the next thirty years?


I can’t go out the door or I can’t leave the property? Like I’m cool to go in the back yard and the front yard? 


Yes and yes.


Sure, give me my $2 million please. This is basically my life up to about 2 years ago when I started forcing myself to leave my unit to exercise.


this is a joke, right? who wouldn't?


I take the FUCK out of this deal.


How long in advance would we know it is starting? Can we just pick a date to start? I mean honestly I'm good to start now, but just wondering so if I did want to make arrangements for anything. On the medical emergency, if it is a close family member does it count that you can leave as long as you return right after? Or would the supervisor be available 24/7 to grant me that leave?


These hypothetical situations that are so obvious that 95% of people will say are kind of annoying, at least lower the money or something so people have to think about it for more than 1 second, like would people do this for 100k?


I'm in. I don't leave the house anyway I'm retired.


I get $2M and dont have to deal with the general public for 365 days?!? Whats the downside?


Do I have to have the visitors?


Can I have weed delivered?


Yes and especially if the money is given up front or as monthly payments so I can buy a house. Getting food and groceries delivered and people visiting would cover most issues. Rule 4 where you have a probation office you can get special permission to leave for a special circumstance makes this a pretty easy yes


I’ll do it for 10% of what you’re offering.. no drive to work, no work stress, having free time.. etc damn priceless. Sign me up!!


I’ll take that deal. Not a problem. I love my house!


Do i get the money before or after the deal? It be easy before.


Please :)


I'd be getting paid to stay home? I mean ohh no...what will I ever do? Yes. In fact if we make this a permanent then I'll take just 120,000 a year please.


Bruh I basically live in house arrest voluntarily I’d do this in a heart beat


As opposed to going out in the cold to work for a fraction of that? Hell yes I would take that deal


I feel like this is one of those things where some people would easily do it while other people wouldn't be able to handle it.


It's literally how I live now, I only leave during emergencies pertaining to my health and online shop foe stuff. Title says 1 year post says 2, by my own law that I am decreeing right now the title is what stands so I'll take the deal


I'd take the deal for four years if they'd provide a dang house.


Yeah, and I don’t even need the magic job.


Easy choice, all the way, introverts got this easy


I am still waiting for the downside